Libraryour first stop. Yes, it’s a library but more importantly, it’s a social networking hub for expats. Monday mornings are a scheduled welcome event for newcomers to the city. Find out what color taxis to avoid and where to go for the best haircut. It’s that kind of practical ...
“Christmas is coming! The goose is getting fat. Please do put a penny in the old man’s hat. If you haven’t got a penny, a ha’penny will do. If you haven’t got a ha’penny, then God bless you!” I usually find myself singing these song lyrics this time of year. And ea...
My true self is perfect. It has always been here, and will always be here. My true self doesn’t care about a fancy haircut, or expensive shoes because those things are just appearances – they aren’t real. Admittedly, this feels strange. And woo-woo. But I’m positive I’ve ...
I tried shortening your nap but the past few weeks you were protesting taking a nap at all so finally we just pulled the trigger and gave up the nap. This helps at bedtime and we are appreciating the newfound freedom in our schedule of not having the afternoon nap but it has brought it...
What if you gave thanks for the medication that is helping you feel better, for the haircut, for the socks keeping your feet warm, how would that change your experience in the days? How would your days unfold, with gratitude sown into them?
Get the haircut you’ve always wanted, but never thought you could pull off (you can!) – MM This one I am altering slightly. I have no fear when it comes to getting my hair cut or colored – as evidenced by the pictures below. ...
This is one of the most hypoallergenic dogs to keep in the house, however, they need to be groomed and have a haircut every month. They also need to be combed frequently to prevent matting. This pet is a great indoor companion and they are always happy even into their old age. They ...
The beach we found was quiet and beautiful! It was the perfect weather for flying a kite and throwing rocks. The wind was steady so no kite attacks this time around. He’s got rock-throwing skillz… I find such peace in watching my kids play on the beach. ...
The coat helps cover up the sweatpants better than a sweater would. Take Time To Prepare Your Hair When it comes to dressing up sweatpants, the remainder of the outfit will make a big difference. If your haircut is in a sloppy bun or relaxed ponytail, a basic outfit of sweatpants, shoes...
Today I was thinking about the huge gap that now exists in the U.S. between the very very rich, the .01 percent, and everyone else, when I came across the beautiful rendition of “The Times They Are A-Changing” that Bruce Springsteen performed on December 7, 1997...