In an interferometer system, a revolving antenna array is used to sufficiently resolve all ambiguities in determination of frequency and direction of arrival of a wave-front. The frequency and direction of arrival are determined by matching predicted phase difference codes with an actual code measured...
Are the harmonics in the SSVEP elicited by the fundamental stimulating frequency or by the artifacts of the stimuli? In this paper, we compare the SSVEP responses of three periodic stimuli: square wave (with different duty cycles), triangle wave, and sine wave to find an effective stimulus. ...
The function below generates a composite sine wave from a supplied array of component frequencies and amplitudes: staticfuncsynthesizeSignal(frequencyAmplitudePairs: [(f:Float, a:Float)],count:Int) -> [Float] {lettau:Float=.pi*2letsignal: [Float]=(0..<count).map { indexinfrequencyAm...
I have to find the frequency of the input, so I wrote some code in Matlab function (by the : { function [freq, amp] = fcn(u) %#codegen Fs=2000; T=1/Fs; L=length(u); ...
The frequency of occurrence increases from dark blue to light blue. e Robot’s trajectories for ten runs in a wide corridor. f Control experiment. Robot’s trajectories in a wide corridor with no visual input. g Spiking activity in the robot’s obstacle avoidance network during an example ...
aAn improved method of analysis of low-frequency wave processes in the interplanetary plasma using the results of multi-satellite measurements is presented. The new method develops the phase difference method and is distinguished by the fact that it allows one to analyze wavelengths several times ...
YRYR is the allowable deviation ratio, i.e. Value@20kValue@DCValue@20kValue@DC. Assuming this is an inverting amp, the gain is the ratio between R1 (not shown) and the effective impedance of R2||C2. Some reciprocals have been handwaved.1...
Radio-location in which the distance of an object is determined by means of its radio emissions, whether independent, reflected, or retransmitted on the same or other wavelength. Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.Want...
aelectromagnetic field from particular eigenmodes with the specified wave vector. Therefore, we can calculate the resonance frequency as a function ofk, 电磁场从特殊eigenmodes以指定的波向量。 所以,我们可以计算共鸣频率作为作用ofk,[translate]
aliasing condition insparsepassive arrays.We develop direction ofarrival (DOA)estimation algorithm based on subband MUSIC(MUltiple Signal Clasificaton) methodwhichproduces high-resolution estimationandthefact thattrue bearings areinvariant regardless ofa changeof frequency bandswhile thealiased false bearings ...