Find the expected value off(a)f(a)modulo109+7109+7. Formally, letM=109+7M=109+7. It can be shown that the answer can be expressed as an irreducible fractionpqqp, whereppandqqare integers andq≢0(modM)q ≡0(modM). Output the integer equal top⋅q−1 mod Mp⋅q...
A continuous random variable deals with measurements with an infinite number of likely outcomes. Define random variables and learn how to compute and to interpret the expected value of a continuous random variable with the probability density function. ...
Finding Expected Value简易题解 Part1 先不考虑有−1−1的情况 我们可以将本题转化成这样一个模型。一共有kk个人,每人手上有xixi个饼干,保证∑xi=n∑xi=n。(k,nk,n同原题意) 现在有如下操作: 1.每次等概率随机一个人ii,保证ii手头上有饼干。 2.再等概率随机一个人jj,可以满足i=ji=j。 3.从xix...
Finding Expected Value简易题解 Finding Expected Value简易题解 $Part1$ 先不考虑有 $-1$ 的情况 我们可以将本题转化成这样一个模型。一共有$k$个人,每人手上有$x_i$个饼干,保证$\sum x_i=n$。($k,n$同原题意) 现在有如下操作: 1.每次等概率随机一个人$i$,保证$i$手头上有饼干。 2.再等概...
Dice are used in numerous games, and by understanding the probabilities associated with the number of rolls with a given number of dice, one can...
CodeForces 1575F Finding Expected Value 洛谷传送门 CF 传送门 考虑单个序列如何求答案。 考虑鞅与停时定理。定义一个局面的势能为 K−1∑i=0f(bi)∑i=0K−1f(bi),其中 f(x)f(x) 是一个关于 xx 的函数,bibi 为ii 的出现次数。那么我们要构造 f(x)f(x),使得每次操作,局面势能期望减少 11,...
finding a needle in a haystack. By learning how to handicap NFL games and spot discrepancies between the true odds and the posted odds, bettors can find lucrative opportunities and create positive expected value in the long run. This article will explore strategies for identifying value in NFL ...
pascal中出现ordinal expression expected q是real型,不是有序类型,不能用在case里面的,建议将q设为整形…… 360问答 subscripted value is neither array nor pointer是什么意思 字面:携带下标的值不是数组或指针。 意思就是:想对一个变量名使用下标,它必须要是数组名或指针名 360问答looking...
Value at Risk Formula The VaR calculation is a probability-based estimate of theminimumloss in dollar terms expected over a period of time. As with many financial applications, the formula sounds easy as it only has a few inputs. However, manually calculating the VaR for a large portfolio is...
A central hypothesis, therefore, is that interventions that increase the degree to which a target behavior is perceived as self-relevant will improve self-regulation. In addition, identity-based changes in self-regulation are expected to be mediated by changes in subjective value and its underlying...