The distance between the two points is 2–√2, hence the distance from the points to the bisector is 12√12. Pythagoras gives the distance from the bisector to the centre of the circles as 5−12−−−−−√=92−−√=32√5−12=92=32. If we draw a line at ...
Program to find minimum operations to reduce X to zero, In one operation, we can either delete the leftmost or the rightmost element from the array and subtract the value from x. We have to find the minimum number of operations required to reduce x to exactly 0. If it is not possible ...
In any function which repeats itself, there will be a point where the function's value returns to where it started and then begins the same cycle. The distance between these two points where the function begins a cycle is called its period. Stated mathematically, the period of a function is...
The Pythagorean theorem outlines principles for right triangles, but it can also be used to calculate distance between points. Learn how this theorem is applied to practical examples of ice cream, skateboard ramps, and even the cliff-peak in 'The Lion King.' ...
Understanding the patterns between activation vectors and predictions could give insight as to erroneous classifications and how to identify them. This paper explains a systematic approach to identifying the clusters with the most misclassifications or false label annotations. For this research, we ...
The diameter of C is the distance between the two furthest points of C. It is easy to see that it equalsmaxu∈Udwidth(u,C). Ahn et al. [1] show how to compute an ε-kernel. Their algorithm uses the following type of primitive operations for C: Let TC be the time needed to...
3). For each gene, we grouped the different cell types into two classes of ON and OFF expression. We took advantage of our known cell types and calculated the Euclidean distance between vectors of replicate measurements for each cell and performed single-linkage hierarchical clustering of these ...
Given one or more vectors in `vXYZ` and single vector `v3`, return their component scalar products. Equivalent to 'for vec in vXYZ: v = vec*v3' This works whether `vXYZ` has the shape ``(3,)``, or whether it is a whole ...
The distance between two synonyms is 1 since they have equal meaning (regardless of the path length). The dictionaries allowed multiple inheritances, and therefore, if more than one path exists between two nodes (words or their synonyms), the shortest path is selected. Hence, (3) (4) ...
To evaluate functional coherence, we consider how functionally related the proteins inside the cluster are to each other, and to the other proteins in the network. In order to determine the functional distance between a pair of proteins, we use a measure derived from annotation based on ...