The concert still went on, and it was all the more beautiful because of the shared experience…. but the band has yet to return. (Looking at you, Over the Rhine…). I digress. Storms are scary. Both the real ones and the other storms life brings. You know the ones. The ones that...
Psalm 23is one of those. David, the shepherd, wrote this Psalm. The Bible gives us the pedigree of David: he was not your ordinary king. He began life as a shepherd, but that humble beginning prepared the greatest King of Israel to become the most unusual king who ever lived. For thr...
For me, reading has always been a stretch. I read because I know I must and not because I necessarily want to and reading the Bible in a year was something that I knew was going to stretch me. The way we grow in life is to not just stay in the same place doing the same things ...
I will celebrate the goodness that has come from Lucy’s life- the many babies who are alive today because of her, the realness of heaven and the joy I have set before me as I walk towards my real home, and the great work we have been able to accomplish so far through The Allo Ho...
Jenny Mustard: Okay Days –started to read this at the library where I was taking refuge from house viewings, thought it might help me to understand my sons’ generation (although the protagonists are a bit older than them). But hesitant, awkward love stories are not quite my thing. FILMS...
dogsfrom birth. Even puppies will try to corral family members and other pets—something that can become out of control if it’s not properly controlled with training and exercise. They’re also particularly sensitive to noise, so puppies might need extra attention during storms or fireworks ...
"Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity." Aristotle "Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which, in prosperous circumstances, would have lain dormant." Horace "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind...