It is okay to start withWikipediaas a reference, but do not use it as an official source. Look at the links and references at the bottom of the page for more ideas. Use “Ctrl+F” to find certain words within a webpage in order to jump to the sections of the article that interest...
Schopenhauer, A. (2000).Parerga and Paralipomena: Short Philosophical Essays(E. F. J. Payne, Trans.). Oxford University Press. (Original work published 1851) Wood, A. M., Froh, J. J., & Geraghty, A. W. (2010). Gratitude and well-being: A review and theoretical integration.Clinical ...
If you need help understanding the different ways to site information, or how to build yourbibliography, the Owl Perdue Online Writing Lab can be a huge help. Within the site you will find the rules for properly citing different kinds of material, formatting quotes, sample bibliographies, just ...
In the 1990s, the Institute of Noetic Sciences “documented 3,500 references to spontaneous healing across eight hundred journals.” Because the medical profession has generally been uninterested in exploring or documenting such cases, the documented ones are a small percentage of the actual number ...
I loved that my zombie literature varied with some middle-grade books, humourous undead books, articles and essays, short stories, and even a picture book about brains. Kate Walden Directs: Night of the Zombie Chickensby Julie Mata is more about the ups and downs of friendship in junior hi...
In one of my previous essays, I describedJeff Hawkins’ theory of intelligence. This essay relies heavily on that theory–if you’re not familiar with it, I recommend you read myother essayfirst. The question of consciousness–of what it means to be “self-aware”–is one of the longest...
References 1 H Dittmar Consumer culture, identity and well-being: The search for the “good life” and the “body perfect Psychology Press, Hove, UK (2007) Google Scholar 2 T Jackson Prosperity without growth: Economics for a finite planet (2nd edn.), Routledge, London (2017) Google ...
they notice that many articles and books contain references to other articles and books. Even Wikipedia entries contain references. These consist of citations to resources that authors have quoted or paraphrased in their work or have used to research for their publications. Some of these citations...
References [1] A. Church, Logic, arithmetic and automata, in: Proceedings of the International Mathematical Congress, 1962. Google Scholar [2] A. Pnueli, R. Rosner, On the synthesis of a reactive module, in: Proc. Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL ʼ89), 1989, pp....
References [1]Rosenberg, A. (1993) If Economics Isn’t Science, What Is It? In: Caldwell, B.J., Ed., The Philosophy and Methodology of Economics III, Edward Elgar, Aldershot, 376-394. [2]Arrow, K.J. (1989) Von Neumann and the Existence Theorem for General Equilibrium. In: Dore,...