My second approach was to try to count the changes of black-and-white also through the columns and rows, and to maximize that amount among rows and columns also. While these methods work to the some extant, with some additional filtering, they fail, when fingerprint is "not ideal as this...
A natural way to define that two people meet is to require that they are within a given distanceDfrom each other. When we restrict our attention to a fixed time instance, we can place a disk of radiusD/ 2 around the location of each person and the question becomes: which pairs of disks...
Moving a point with the maximum angle/Moving multiple points with the maximum angle Routes with sharp angles are difficult to realize in practice, as the turning radius of large vessels is limited. This operator thus tries to remove points or multiple points with large angles from the route. ...
After finding a peak, the best circle center and radius is obtained by computing the medoid [6] of the entries in the peak bin. 5.1.3 Artificial Retina The concept of the “Artificial Retina” was introduced in [7]. Similar to the Hough transform, it relies on a partition of the ...
where 𝛼𝑦𝑡αyt represents the pressure angle of the involute (𝑒)(e) on the circle of radius 𝑟𝑦ry, as in Figure 6. Given that the gearing interaction between the profiles in any section perpendicular to the axes of the wheels mirrors that of two spur gears, it can be ass...