That night, I played soft Irish music on my phone to cover the machine’s hum and pulsing. I spent some time removing pictures from her work phone and was surprised to find a photo from our wedding many years ago. How young and healthy we were then, unafraid that cancer’s deadly my...
Post coconut Erik found the very same vendor he had purchased the llama chaps from on his previous trip. After asking her a few questions she pulled out her cell phone & set up a meeting with someone else. She led us to the edge of the market in front of a building, where a man ...
After that, I’ll be releasing an activity workbook to practice handwriting alongside of mazes, dot-to-dots, and more. And THEN there will be more storybooks and activity books for other concepts: shapes, numbers, seasons, etc. Each of these concept books will feature animals from a differe...
Bill gently reminds me that these paper tests see only what they were made to see, numbers, data, and “real world” testable results, not actual intelligence or the value of the individual. What a nice man, that Dr. Bill. He hands me a laminated yellow sheet with prompted answers ...
You love maps and geography and love looking at the radar maps via on my phone. (No, seriously.) If I start talking to you about another culture or about how babies start out really tiny or about how a flower grows, you get so drawn in and will always say, “Can you ...
Allow only Numbers(0-9) Or a-z, A-Z along with backspace , space in textbox Allow only one dot in a text box using javascript - client side allow user to multi select dropdownlist options Allowing only Alphanumeric characters and underscore in a textbox Alternative to a listbox Always ...
slats of wood, I notice a sequence of numbers on the gate itself that match the post and try to line these up. I get it to stand upright and look sturdy and secure from the naked eye, but I know that whoever walks back through it will break it again. That feels unsettling to me....
The repeating mother nature of piece of art will help you to quiet your mind and paint by numbers alleviate stress. Healing- Apart from soothing, custom made color-by-amount kits can be restorative. For example, if you’re handling anxiety or major depression, piece of art will help you ...
net Regex expressions to validate phone numbers? power expression in datatable PowerPacks in VB: PrintForm Scaling and full page printing Prerequisite could not be found for bootstrapping Press button on external app VB pressing enter key with a textbox Prevent Installation of a Device by Device...
My eyes, still blurry from sleep, narrowed to slits as I tried to make out the numbers on the clock in our bedroom. It was five past six—early for me. Still, I knew the next precious moments would be worth the sacrificed sleep. I needed to connect with my Maker before launching ...