Sometimes, you must deal with bad feelings and get over them sooner rather than later! Find peace in life and remember that you should not worry because whatever problem you have, this too shall pass. Always keep that in mind. ~ Bill GreguskaFind Joy And Happiness In Your Life!
Commentary: Finding happiness, contentment and peaceROBERT SIEGEL
After the presidential election in 2016, healing herself through painting took on an even larger role in her life. Kimothy was shocked by what a woman running for president looked like in this country. The disrespect, shaming, and superficial sexist commentary pointed at Hillary Clinton horrified ...
There is hope for those who turn in repentance -- the contrite of heart. But not for those who persist in their sin. I love the way this prophecy concludes with a brief commentary on peace. "19bPeace, peace, to those far and near,'says the LORD. ...
I know that the peace I feel now in this situation is from spending so many years in fear when I was sick with my eye condition and see the results; loss of sleep, tearing down of my trust in God and pulling everyone around me into my black hole of defeat. Christians need to now ...
Thanks and I hope to see you over on the new site. There will be no more activity here so please join in the fun at Peace out, Tim+ Moving Day Posted:May 9, 2014|Author:Father Tim|Filed under:Blogging|2 Comments ...
(especially such as have shewn kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord—To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the encrease of science among them and us—and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal ...
In his “Commentary on Psalms” John Calvin frames the question about this text: “What need would he have had of that consolation [of the “rod” and the “staff”], if he had not been disquieted and agitated with fear? It ought, therefore, to be kept in mind, that when David refl...
+ Finding peace in the war zone over Lyme disease; how not to become a casualty + Resources and natural solutions: how to connect with wellbeing and stay healthy She will present her story at Cedarburg Public Library, Wednesday, May 8, Noon-1 pm, Facebook live and Zoom online on Wednesd...
Whatever practice or technique works for you, I hope everyone is finding a way to keep returning to peace, to keep releasing old anger and fear, etc. in order to raise their vibration and contribution to lifting up the planet. For some interesting info on energy in the world, etc. see ...