Sometimes, you must deal with bad feelings and get over them sooner rather than later! Find peace in life and remember that you should not worry because whatever problem you have, this too shall pass. Always keep that in mind. ~ Bill GreguskaFind Joy And Happiness In Your Life!
Psalm 23 - Finding Our Good Shepherd's Peace & Promises in the Midst of Darkness There are passages of Scripture that follow us all the days of our lives. These are the verses underlined, highlighted, barely legible for the years of sermons, Bible studies, and personal times of need. The...
” If you prayed that simple prayer, you are saved. Now, you need to follow Jesus. Start reading your Bible. I would suggest starting with Matthew, reading all of the New Testament, then reading the Old Testament. Also, find a good church. Christianity was never meant to be done alone...
I prayed for peace and also for it to be one of the lesser evils. At the visit with the hematologist, we discovered that Todd’s condition was indeed one of the lesser evils, though it still sounded grim to hear. Todd was diagnosed with polycythemia vera, which is a form of blood ...
Isaiah accuses them of hatching the eggs of deadly snakes -- dangerous. Of spinning spider's webs -- clever but useless (59:5-6). As a result, peace (that is, wholeness and prosperity) eludes them (59:8). They claim to seek light (59:9), but they are blind (59:10). ...
Posted in#BibleStories,#Consolation#Desolation#Miracles|Tagged#beauty,#cancer,#Feelings,#Free,#Freedom,#Friendship,#God'sPlan,,#Gratitude,#Home#Joy#LettingGo#Memories,#Peace,#Prayer#Waiting|Leave a comment When Bad Things Happen… Posted onFebruary 22, 2018bysstyves ...
It immediately alleviated a lot of the stress I had been carrying around and I felt peace knowing that I was doing everything in my power to save my baby Nora. Grieving is normal, regardless of outcome. Many things are lost in a high risk pregnancy and it is normal and appropriate to ...
I have recently had this happen to me and the word has literally brought me “peace”. A few days ago I was reading a reading plan in my Bible app. The word shalom started to appear to me in all sorts of ways. I am very familiar with this word but wanted to remind myself of ...
Although God gave us emotion and logic, He didn’t intend for us to lean on logic and emotion to find peace. When in tribulation or periods of struggle we often turn to our emotion or logic to find a solution and only when the solution is found, implemented, and the struggle eliminated...
The Bible talks about God giving us a “peace that passes ALL understanding.” Basically, it is a peace that seems crazy to the rest of the world and it is there for us if we would throw ourselves into the arms of God. It is amazing when problems are eliminated by prayers and God ...