Marlin: Nemo! 马林: 尼莫! Nemo: First day of school! 尼莫: 第一天上学! Marlin: (gasps)Nemo,don't move!Don't move!You'll never get out 马林: (叹息)尼莫!别动!别动!你永远都不可能 of there yourself.I'll do it.All right,where's the 自己出来。我会帮助你的。好的,受伤了吗? break?
Sea it in theaters soonTagline Finding Nemo is a 2003 American computer-animated comedy-drama adventure film written and directed by Andrew Stanton, released by Walt Disney Pictures on May 30, 2003, and the fifth film produced by Pixar Animation Studios.
Nemo: Where are we, anyway? Dory (reading the pipe): sy… shi… Sydney. “P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way Sydney” (Dory has a flashback—she remembers the things that happened on this trip.) Dory: Aah! Nemo! You’re Nemo! Dory (talking to some uncooperative crabs): Have you seen an ...
Nemo! You're Nemo!Dory [to crabs]: Have you seen an orange fish swim by? It looks just like him. [points at Nemo]Nemo: But bigger.Crab: Yeah, I saw him, Bluey, but I'm not telling you where he went, and there's no way you're gonna make me. [Dory holds Crab out of ...
Hermit Crabs: Shh! Nemo: What was that? Dory: Wait. I've heard that before. I remember someone saying, "Shh." Marlin: Yes, well done. That was me. One minute ago. Hermit Crabs: Shh! Dory: Huh! Young Dory: Please. Have you seen my mommy and Daddy? Their names are Jenny and ...
海底总动员(Finding Nemo) 本片是迪斯尼公司与皮克斯公司推出的三维电脑动画作品。故事发生在美丽迷人的澳洲大堡礁海域。鱼爸爸马林(Marlin)与妻子正期待着小鱼卵的孵化,然而,鲨鱼的突然入侵使得所有的鱼卵都葬身鱼腹,只剩下唯一的一条受伤的小鱼,马林为他取名叫尼莫(Nemo)。活泼好动的小丑鱼尼莫从小生活在海洋里,具有...