In Finding Nemo, Darla Sherman (voiced by Lulu Ebeling) is the niece of dentist Philip Sherman. Like most kids, she gets overly excited and rambunctious especially when getting a new pet fish, which often leads to their demise. That’s trouble for Nemo, who’s about to become her next ...
This was very well done. The costumes, the special effects, the actors, their singing. They basically retell the story of the movie but on stage. I don't want to spoil some of the special effects, but just do it. You get to cool down inside and see ...
2. Attend space-themed parties. Plan birthday or house parties on the theme of space. Involve your child and, maybe, his friends or cousins, in getting the props, settings and costumes ready.4. That way, the preparation will be a learning experience for your child. ...