What your talents and strengths are. The talents you achieve most with. The activities you get most satisfaction from. The type of activity the psychometrics you've completed guide you towards. Tip: When you're doing this, be careful not just to look back nostalgically at simple jobs where...
Am I looking to expand my network? Am I looking to bounce ideas or get impartial advice? Tip: To help identify what you want to achieve and what you want to improve on, analyze your strengths and weakness. Consider using the Personal SWOT tool to help you do this. What Do I Want Fr...
Recently, I realized that this trend was not exclusive to Pooh and his friends — it could also be attributed to the characters in my favorite Pixar movie: “Finding Nemo.”Being one of the only movies my brother and I could agree on, our family’s “Finding Nemo” DVD became scratched...
Therefore, that’s exactly what I did at the beginning of January. In the past, I announced my plans for the new year along with my one-word theme on January 1st or 2nd. At the start of 2024, my plans had not even been put on paper, and I was struggling with my word for the ...
There are riches in the niches, as they say. So it’s better to hone in on one small topic that you can become known for than choose something too broad and get lost in the sea of noise. If I were still in the classroom, my top three would be historical figures, classroom managemen...
How do I make sure my persona is good?In classes and workshops, I get the questions a lot: ‘How do I know when I’m done? In good shape?”. The long answer is that with a tool like personas, it’s always a work in progress. The short version is that there are a few things...
Last night I told a good friend that this is the first time in basically my entire life that if I call the phone number my parents have had forever, no one will answer. Mom is still with us, mostly – her beautiful mind now ravaged by Alzheimer’s. Most days, she doesn’t know ou...
Once a course is completed, and usually a passed quiz or test to prove your competency, Udemy allows you to print off a certificate. In some cases, professors or intellects with impressive titles and associations offer other documentation that shows that you are competent with a new skill, or...
Middlebridge Schoolis a boarding school in Narragansett, Rhode Island. "Our students are complicated learners who have a distinct pattern of strengths and challenges in their academic profile," the school says on its website. The Woodhall Schoolis a school for boys in Bethlehem, Connecticut. He...
When each co-founder has different strengths, you’ll have different knowledge bases that work well together but don’t step on each other’s toes.Each of you has skills and strengths that make up for the other partners’ weaknesses.