asking classmates for help before finally figuring it out (弄明白) by myself. When I first solved it, I was so proud and happy. Now, I can solve a regular (普通的) Rubik’s Cube in about 10 seconds and enjoy trying out different kinds....
Even though I was pushing myself a lot in class, my heart rate stayed pretty low. I’m thinking it was a false reading because I was really out of breath in class and felt like I was pushing myself as much as I normally do. Maybe it was low because I was tired or something, so...
Self-esteem serves as a gauge a kind of inner psychological meter of how much children feel valued and accepted by others, including family, friends and peers, based on research by Mark Leary, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University, and others. This sensitivity to others...
Therealchallengeinmyownlifeisapplyingthoseactsofkindnesstomyself.我生活中真正的挑战是把这些善举应用到自己身上。IhadalotofworktodothiseveninganddidnotwanttotakeamomenttoslowdownandrechargeandcommunicatetoothersthatIneededsometimealone, butIdidandletmyworriesrestawhileasIengrossmyselfinthestoryandpeacefulthoughts...
You put in the Inner Work® to understand yourself, your values, interests, and fears. It’s an experience that needs a growth mindset that sees the value in continuous learning. You shouldn’t feel like you’re being selfish, even if it’s a self-centered goal. You’re helping ...
follow our creative calling. It felt a little crazy or foolish to spend so much time on a project that might not bear fruit. There were times when I thought about giving up, but whenever I checked in with myself, I always found that I had a strong inner urge to see the project ...
A large part of their motivation is: “To thine own self be true.” These personality types may struggle with authenticity much more than individuals in other groups because they are less likely to make the rules in society. They are also more likely to view the world through a less ...
The airport and my flight were pretty crowded. I expected it to be empty since it was Christmas, but maybe that’s what everyone else thought too. My flight was fine. I’m having an easier time flying now because I can keep myself distracted with my podcasts or e-reader during takeoff...
Finding Myself It has taken me years to finally give up on the search to find the one career path that suits me. Not because I’ve actually found it, but because I finally realized I never will. I don’t have memories growing up dreaming about what I would be on...
-Alex Pauley The Voyage of attraction Nethe rlands-The Hague May I please introduce myself to you. My name is Paul. And I would like to tell you about my new audio-book I have made. It's a magical book filled with inspirational heartwarming stories, which could help you extremely to...