I've reached to you because I find myself lost looking for the right driver for my Laptop Samsung (NP300E5X-A0KMA). Intel update utility doesn't detect my graphic card. Also tried dxdiag.exe still nothing everywhere I look I only find "Intel HD graphics" nothing about the family ...
I've done the checks for malware and come up clean, nor do I have any issues with the RAM, leaving outdated drivers as the likely culprit. Which wouldn't surprise me considering the chipset driver is from 2020. At this point I'm throwing my hands up in frustration. So, here's my ...
How to Find Drivers for Unknown Devices in the Device Manager Most likely your notebook is missing the Realtek SD card reader driver (PCI Device) and hopefully, this one will work: https://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp98501-99000/sp98820.exe You need ...
When you attempt to update the graphics driver using the Intel® Arc™ Control and the software checks for an update it will get an error message stating: "We timed out looking for updates Intel® Driver & Support Assistant may be offline or having trouble finding the latest drivers. We...
I am now using Windows basic display driver which works and does not cause extremely slow boot time. I know I loose functionality of having the right driver but it serves my purpose. Thanks to all that supported me on this quest, you have furthered my knowledge. Presently in school for ...
Kube by now is my daily driver, and we’ve managed to iron out a lot of the remaining kinks since the last update. Rémi is now on boardBlogpost Xapian based search is alive and kickingBlogpost. Search in conversationview via syntaxhighlighting. ...
}overridefunonRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode:Int,permissions:Array<String>,grantResults:IntArray) {when(requestCode) {MY_PERMISSIONS_REQUEST_CAMERA->{if((grantResults.isNotEmpty()&&grantResults[0]==PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED)) {//Permission granted. You can use the camera nowsetContent {Live...
I also have these options set by default in my .Rprofile, which seems to help with some of the remote install issues some people face: options(download.file.method="libcurl") options(repos="http://cran.rstudio.com/") options(rpubs.upload.method="internal") ...
Still think there is something wrong, at least in my environment/setup. These updates are published, yet neither Vantage or ThinInstaller are picking them up. neither the Graphics driver or BIOS are being detected. Update_ApplicabilityRulesTrace.txt Quick replyReply0 ...
Okay so my current pc is literal crap except the cpu right now afaik, and I don't know much about pcs but I'm wanting to actually play games on my pc LOL specs: CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 GPU: Intel HD Graphics 4000 (I was told this was like the basic of ...