For this errors I used a freshly installed MLX42, the Makefile and so_long.c example in MLX42 has issues finding the headers file of my glfw which I installed with 42homebrew and it's in the .brew directory. Although cmake finds it while executing Findglfw3.cmake file whe...
Experiments with RoBERTa are finished. Paper will be uploaded next week to arxiv. In my experiments, I could not observe a major difference between BERT and RoBERTa for sentence embeddings: Sometimes BERT is a little bit better, sometimes RoBERTa. But nothing that is significant. XLNet was so...
This was mostly a “go fast & get results” set of experiments, which means many arbitrary choices were made, which I’d appreciate some feedback on. I do intend to research these questions myself (it’s just currently late, and I wanted this post out end of this week). How sh...