A rudimentary but not uninteresting introduction to the basic theory behind much of the work of famed mythologist, writer and lecturer Joseph Campbell. The whole thing takes on the aspect of a self-help movie rather than a documentary though. These disciples peach the gospel of Joe and, one ...
Teenager, Joe Casey breaks into a building where afterwards he has the decision to either give himself up or run. The story then splits into two scenarios, reminiscent of the film,Sliding Doors. The ghost of Joe’s criminal dad reveals the two paths where neither runs smooth. It is an e...
The production, directed by Laura Alcala Baker, is fantastic. Chelsea M. Warren has designed a cleverly effective pop-up unit set for many locations, ably complemented by Joe Spinogatti’s projections and films, which transports out of El Salvador to an exciting road trip vibe. Damian E. Dom...
Joe Barton JoeBarton e12 2100MB John A. Boehner JohnBoehner e12 2100MB Jo Bonner JoBonner e12 2100MB John Boozman JohnBoozman e12 2100MB John Campbell JohnCampbell e12 2100MB John Carter JohnCarter e12 2100MB John Conyers JohnConyers e12 2100MB Joseph Crowley JoseCrowley e12 2100MB John Cul...
Today I was thinking about the huge gap that now exists in the U.S. between the very very rich, the .01 percent, and everyone else, when I came across the beautiful rendition of “The Times They Are A-Changing” that Bruce Springsteen performed on December 7, 1997...
If you don’t mind being lectured to for 80 minutes, Patrick Takaya Solomon’s Finding Joe makes an excellent primer on the seminal teachings and discoveries of the late mythologist Joseph Campbell. Only a few old photos of the famed Sarah Lawrence professor appear on screen and the film co...