Paula Briggs, left, and her business partner Jena Krauth have been operating Little Angels Animal Sanctuary since 2008. The pair’s goal is to take in feral cats and find them loving homes. They operate in Lakewood and Mayville. P-J photos by Eric Zavinski Paula Briggs and Jena Krauth ha...
Shelter said the white dog was a Pyrenees mix and most likely feral. Brown dog way chipped. They got placed in the same kennel together in the stray holding area. I think they were happy to be in AC away from the hot Texas summer heat. This all took place on a Tuesday. I went to...
My dad helped me get it cleaned up and we donated it to a fantastic organization called Gabriel Homes. They provide independent living for adults with Down Syndrome. It is now bringing joy to a new little family. Someone asked me if it was hard to give it away since it is the couch ...
Speaking of cats, I guess she thought Bob #2 was dead but now he is alive and since he started coming back to see her again she is all like ‘oh Bob, I love you so much, here you go, have the best food ever made because you are the greatest…’. Just stop. I live INSIDE th...