You just want to highlight the duplicated rows or remove them. To remove the duplicated rows, from Data tab --> Data tools --> click Removed duplicates. To just find the duplicated rows, you can used vlookup function GMKubala replied toJihad Al-Jarady ...
I found the problem, I had to update this line in the macro: With src.Parent.Sort .SetRange Range("A1:R13") to the start and end columns of the source data in my actual file. After that, it works like a charm. Thank you! 1/31/2023John SmithJohn 123471/31/2023William...
1) How to brake out of a recursive function? 2) Is there and easlier to find a node in a treeview control by node name? below is a copy of the two procedures I am using to try this. prettyprint 复制 Public Function SelectNode(ByVal strNodeName As String) As TreeNode Dim My...
Add Custom Function to Runspace Add data to existing CSV column with foreach loop add date to filename Add digital signature to multiple files Add domain user as sysadmin in SQL Server 2012 using PowerShell Add formatting and style to a html report in powershell Add full control to computer ...
I'm trying to find the average for a person with scores in column 4 on 3 separate sheets. The following function returns #VALUE.. Because the person may be in a different row on each sheet, I'm thinking I need to use the VLOOKUP function... Also, as an aside, the person may have...
I have a very large spreadsheet of approximately 316,000 rows. I have used the conditional formatting tool to help me find duplicates. My next step is to use...
You just want to highlight the duplicated rows or remove them. To remove the duplicated rows, from Data tab --> Data tools --> click Removed duplicates. To just find the duplicated rows, you can used vlookup function GMKubala replied toJihad Al-Jarady ...
You just want to highlight the duplicated rows or remove them. To remove the duplicated rows, from Data tab --> Data tools --> click Removed duplicates. To just find the duplicated rows, you can used vlookup function GMKubala replied toJihad Al-Jarady ...
You just want to highlight the duplicated rows or remove them. To remove the duplicated rows, from Data tab --> Data tools --> click Removed duplicates. To just find the duplicated rows, you can used vlookup function GMKubala replied toJihad Al-Jarady ...
I'm having a problem here with finding a simple function (that does not involve me messing with nested IF functions) to find the nearest values from some data. A1 contains my value (number, two decimal places). A2 to A11 contains a list of values in ascending order. In A12 I want to...