J.D. Pederson grew up in a tight-knit, poor Puerto Ricanneighborhood in Chicago."There were...LaRue, Jennifer
Since then, artists have brightened up the Crystal City landscape, painting walls, underpasses and garages. The collection started with three works, Radiance, Prism, and Ellipsis. It took local mosaic artist Valerie Theberge a year to create “Radiance,” located on the north side of the 18th...
Shortly after finding that letter, a dream awoke me to the true power of my freedom. I have long understood that I was never strong enough to take the knife out of my mother’s hand. What my dream awakened was the truth — I am powerful enough to take the metaphorical knife out of ...
I think an artist’s work will always reflect their surroundings. Growing up in Ontario I was painting mostly cities and buildings, but after living in Whistler for 11 years, it is really the forest, and the incredible light that cascades through it, that has captured my heart and imaginatio...
This video shows the field replaced by water. Another artist in the paint department has been working on a matte painting of the town. This is a high-resolution digital image created using a painting/illustration package. Once the town is added in, the scene looks like this: This video sho...
And I would say, with every fibre in my body and in my being, I don't know another band or artist alive that is more improved than we are. If you listen back, it is embarrassing... I went and listened to 'like you lots' a week ago, and I almost took the 'kinda' EP off ...
Many years ago now, when a transient artist began some holiday windows at a business on south Orange and didn’t finish the job, Miniere stepped in to help out, and she’s been painting holiday storefronts ever since. She sticks to the basics – holly garlands, poinsettias, candy canes...
s not always going to be writing a book or painting a masterpiece, but it can’t be sitting in a pointless meeting. Obviously this explanation requires a little psychological tapdancing in order to convince my ambitious, “true” self that the Busy Life things I am doing are necessary for...
Finding His Space: Art Director and Artist Sandeep Bomble Has Created a Single Painting, 517 Square Feet Comprising 65 CanvasesNaik, Varsha