We all search formeaning in life. We naturally gravitate toward people and activities we enjoy and that make our lives more meaningful. We also develop, wittingly or not, an understanding of the meaning of life in general and our own lives in particular. This often takes the form of a sto...
3. Be able to create a purpose for your life (don't be intimidated, this is different from creating "the purpose" for your life). 4. Apply personal approaches and skills to self-change and become and stay connected to your purpose every day. ...
成功心理学(第四版)---发现工作和生活得意义:PSYCHOLOGY OF SUCCESS (FOURTH EDUCATION) FINDING MEAN 在当今世界上,人们有各种各样的生活方式,也可以有各种各样的追求,很难设定一个统一的成功标准.我对成功的定义是:在实现自己理想的道路上,充分发挥自己的潜力,走到力所... - 成功心理学(第四版)---发现工...
Psychology of Success: Finding Meaning in Work and Life, 5/eDenis WaitleyPh.D
What is the real ultimate meaning and purpose of our existence? What is happiness and how does one find it? These are ultimate questions of existence that have been asked and discussed many times across the ages with no clear and definite answers given. Ultimate questions demand ultimate answers...
The purpose of the paper is to discuss means of assisting terminally ill patients in seeking for sources of meaning and hope, alongside the acknowledgment that their lifespan is short.Psycho-spiritual aspects make a substantial component patients suffering from incurable illness have to deal with. ...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《The Four Purposes of Life: Finding Meaning and Direction in a Changing World》,作者:Dan Millman 著,出版社:PGW。最新《The Four Purposes of Life: Finding Meaning and Direction in a Changing World》简介、书评、试读、价格、图
Feelings of being overwhelmed and impotent come up as I observe the situation of the planet and society, and I realize how powerful having a meaning is in that it gives you a sense of agency. It makes you feel like you’re helping or creating small ripples of change – it gives you ...
Staging is all about creating an illusion of space, especially in smaller homes. But it’s more than that. Our realtor says our location and river view are the stars of the show (we’re not on a floodplain!), yet I still feel the pressure to create a flawless first impression. It’...
The second half of life presents a rich possibility for spiritual enlargement, for we are never going to have greater powers of choice, never have more lessons of history from which to learn, and never possess more emotional resilience, more insight into what works for us and what does not,...