US7536297 * Jan 22, 2002 May 19, 2009 International Business Machines Corporation System and method for hybrid text mining for finding abbreviations and their definitionsUS7536297 * 2002年1月22日 2009年5月19日 International Business Machines Corporation System and method for hybrid text mining for ...
The invention has an abbreviation pattern generation process that generates one or more abbreviation patterns corresponding to the candidate abbreviations, and a definition pattern generation process that generates one or more definition patterns corresponding to the candidate definitions.Roy J. Byrd...
14,15,16]. The specific reason for this is poorly understood due to a lack of conceptual clarity but may occur because of variability in the amount (dose) and types of facilitation activities/facilitator roles that make up the
Finding Information NOTE: Some features may not be available for your computer or in certain countries. NOTE: Additional information may ship with your computer. What Are You Looking For? • A diagnostic program for my computer • Drivers for my computer • My computer documentation • My...
Due to the heterogeneity of writing styles, ambiguity of abbreviations, and presence of “hedging” statements [17], engineering linguistic and semantic rules to extract information from radiology reports requires substantial effort and clinical expertise. Furthermore, rule-based approaches produce brittle...
with a more positive experiential state resulting in less attrition. In addition of being produced in the brain tissue, BDNF is also produced in the peripheral tissue such as plasma and saliva. Abbreviations: BDNF: brain-derived neurotrophic factor, CRT: circadian rhythm of core body temperature,...
Abbreviations KT: Krukenberg tumor WHO: World Health Organization SRC: Signet ring cells MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging CT: Computed tomography ACOG: American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists CRS: Cytoreductive surgery CTx: Adjuvant chemotherapy HIPEC: Hyperthermic intraperitoneal ...
Abbreviations PERSIAN: Prospective Epidemiological Research Studies in IrAN BKNCD: Bandare-Kong Non-Communicable Diseases MetS: Metabolic Syndrome NCEP: National Cholesterol Education Program BMI: Body Mass Index CVD: Cardiovascular Disease T2DM: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus BP: Blood Pressure DBP...
In vitro to in vivo extrapolation (IVIVE) Integrated approach for testing and assessment (IATA) Absorption Distribution Metabolism And elimination Excretion (ADME) Abbreviations ADME Absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination / excretion AMBIT [Open chemo-informatic system designed to facilitate chemica...
Abbreviations NGS: Next-generation sequence NOP: No operation PED: Polymorphic edge detection RIL: Recombinant inbred line TEF: Transposable element finder TIF: Transposon insertion finder TSD: Target site duplication References Bourque G, Burns KH, Gehring M, Gorbunova V, Seluanov A, ...