partitioning the tree graph into a plurality of sub-trees, each sub-tree including one or more of the identified nodes; processing the plurality of sub-trees in parallel by allocating one or more of the processing elements to each of the sub-trees; and determining the solution based on resul...
This paper presents a hybrid variational quantum algorithm that finds a random eigenvector of a unitary matrix with a known quantum circuit. The algorithm
The problem of finding repeats in molecular sequences is approached as a sorting problem. It leads to a method which is linear in space complexity and NlogN in expected time complexity. The implementation is straightforward and can therefore be used to handle large sequences with relative ease....
Specific features are extracted to construct the input vector X. We then train a classifier to predict whether a pair of inherent structures forms a double well potential (DW) or not. The DW is finally processed using a multi-layer stacking strategy to predict the quantum splitting of the ...
A parallel algorithm for finding small sets of genes that are enough to distinguish two biological statesGCLASS is an algorithm which explores small samples of two distinct biological states for finding small sets of genes, which form a feature vector that is enough to separate these two states....
The normal vector is perpendicular to the plane. The cross product of any two coplanar vectors, which can be found by subtracting pairs of points on the plane, will be perpendicular and can be taken as the normal vector. How do you find the equation of a plane with 3 points? Given thre...
We create feature vectors with each element of the vector corresponding to a single class of error messages (as encoded by the regular expressions). The elements in the vector have a value of 1 if the corresponding error was matched and 0 otherwise. These feature vectors are then used by a...
After feature generation, linear regression is performed to yield the model prediction (each model is the scalar product of the SISSO-identified descriptor with the vector of fitted coefficients, via linear regression) and the models are ranked based on their prediction performance. Optimal subspaces ...
Converting vector<string> to vector<double> Copy and pasting code WITH line numbers. COREDLL.DLL missing Correct addition of double values Could not load file or assembly in DEBUG mode. Works OK in release mode. Why? CPngImage on CBitmapButton Create a System Tray Application using C/C++ wh...
The apparatus is a plexiglass cage with metallic parallel rods 1 cm above the metallic plate floor. The apparatus detected foot faults when the foot passed through the grid and touched the metallic plate at the bottom. Different parameters (i.e., the distance traveled, the average speed, the...