The midpoints between adjacent peaks provides grid point locations. gap = diff(xCenters)/2; first = xCenters(1)-gap(1); xGrid = round([first xCenters(1:end)+gap([1:end end])]) figure(f2)fori=1:length(xGrid) line(xGrid(i)*[1 1],ylim,'color','m')endtit...
Australia’s annual fire season is only at its midpoint, yet the massive pulse of carbon from these bushfires is now estimated at 900 million tons—double the country’s annual emissions. As horrific as the fires have made life on land, what’s happening in Australia’s oceans out of sit...
Of course, it is also possible to drive the route in a shorter amount of time by spending even more time on the interstate and less time on old Route itself. We think this negates the point somewhat (and we’re not sure at what point it stops being a true Route 66 road trip), bu...
For each octant, a tally is made of the number of horizontal runlengths that have midpoints in that octant. To increase detection accuracy, only runlengths with a midpoint a certain distance from the centroid are tallied. That distance, called the inner_threshold, is set to 0.025 times ...