The nurseries in my area have flat sales every year where I can get 36 plants for about $13-15 per flat. The selection is not great, but it is a good opportunity to stock up on 4 flats of impatiens which I use to provide the foundation for the more interesting plants that I grow....
6. He worked as an independent plumber in California. 7. He never talked about his holocaust experience until recently because [he said] he felt guilty about throwing fellow Jews into cement mixers. He’s talking about it now because he says, “In ten years’ time, there will probably be...
but I was still able to do the open house weekend withmy soapsand not keel over, which was good. My nose was so, so sore because we don’t have tissues (never getting sick). I was using napkins and TP as a tissue. ‘Cause I’m klassy like that. Well, last night we stopped a...
A second problem with this statement is that it can be shown he was 16 years old when he would have been in Auschwitz in 1944. Yet he even says he was 15 at Dachau, in 1945. It appears he has chosen the age of 15 for his victim story because it has a better ring to it than ...