Gardner, Jonathan
Hourly: Fees are charged based on the number of hours an advisor works on your account. Hourly rates vary by advisor. Flat rate: Some advisors may charge a flat rate that includes all the services you’ll receive. Rates can vary, but you may pay around $6,000 per year or more. AUM...
Reports on a legislation that would bar Congress from intervening with the Medicare Part A trust fund to pay for spending or tax cuts in the United States. Overview of the legislation; Information on Medicare bills introduced by Senator John...
We are living in a completely different time today unlike years ago which the good old fashioned women were Definitely so much Nicer and a Hell of a lot Easier to meet compared to the women of today that are NOT so nice at all Unfortunately which is the Real Reason why many of us Good...
as a child, Philip Pullman’sDark Materialstrilogy first made me want to become a writer. But the more I teach and write about forms of medievalism that the academy deems worthy and acceptable objects of study (for instance, nineteenth-century ...
Register for a free DN Forum account and begin advancing your skills and knowledge today. And when you do signup, send me a friend request so we can connect. Here’s your program. Michael Cyger: Hey everyone. My name is Michael Cyger, and I’m the Publisher of – ...
Climate change deniers have often employed something like this as one of their, perhaps unconscious, excuses. Something that we can’t see because we don’t want to is the equivalent of a child covering their ears and saying “I can’t hear you; I can’t hear you.” ...
This past year I have taken my boldest step in openly sharing by starting this blog. Even though my anxiety is not nearly as extreme as it was as a child, I still struggle with it and am now on medication that helps keep it at bay. I see a therapist when life gets too overwhelming...
An interest-bearing account where users can deposit Bitcoin, Ether, or stablecoins and earn up to 8.6% APY interest. A cryptocurrency exchange that has no transaction fees.“ Sounds like a bank. Quacks like a bank. Must be a bank.
Finding Your Match in a Manager ; That Fund You Love Is Run by a Thinking Entity. Why Trust Your Finances to a Blind Date?