I water her plants to keep them healthy, as best I can. We buried Kathy near Niagara Falls, next to the graves of her father and her brother. I will visit as often as I can. Until then, I will remember her on sunny day walks to the top of a small hill next to a pretty lake ...
Once the repository is full, the salt will naturally undo the miners’ work: Tunnels and rooms will collapse, entombing the radioactive material and protecting life aboveground. WIPP has buried more than 14,000 shipments of nuclear waste since its start in 1999. Twenty-five years after that o...
It feels as if I bottled up all of the overflow of the festival as it was happening, and buried it within myself in a biodegradable container that had a shelf life of about 10 or 11 months before it started leaking. The holes start out small, spilling a drop or two of moments at ...
I have buried myself (and others) beneath the beach, marveling at how much cooler the sand is one foot below the surface. I have ridden bikes and gone running beside the water during low tide and have carved messages along the shore, watching wistfully as the waves creep in and erase ...
Gradually all the buried unconscious material shows itself as we keep extending the invitation to the mind to bring up anything that troubles it. However, don't make these energy healing therapy exercises into a chore that you "must" do each day. The ego mind (the part that believes we ar...
“Other” world. This is the specific marsh where I dragged an empty brass pot into a hidden spot in the reeds and began to do well magic. This is the lake where I once buried a box containing a photograph, a letter, and salt in my first banishing/binding spell. This lawn is ...
leading to chronic guilt, or from real guilt from one’s past that may have been buried. As we dig deeper, we may find anger at God as a root of depression. To complicate things even further, many believe a Christian should never be depressed, which denies that we are spirit, mind AN...
No matter how great your product is, a forgettable brand name runs the risk of getting buried among the pack. But a catchy, intriguing brand name has the potential to capture your audience and attract them to your website. In many ways, a brand name tells the story of your...
Well, the answer is that New Orleans is built on a swamp. This makes the traditional practice of burying people in the ground a bit tricky, as all that decomposing body stuff isn’t really something you want leaking into your groundwater. ...