在find_package(vtk REQUIRED) 中,vtk 是要查找的外部项目的名称。VTK(Visualization Toolkit)是一个开源的、跨平台的系统,用于3D计算机图形学、图像处理和可视化。通过在 CMake 中使用 find_package(vtk REQUIRED),你可以指示 CMake 查找 VTK 库,并将其配置为项目的依赖项。 3. 解释required参数在find_package中...
(AFAICT there are some other quirks when you don't setCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.) Ininstalled/x64-linux/share/vtk/VTK-vtk-module-find-packages.cmake: find_package(EXPAT VTK will call the installedFindEXPAT.cmakefirst. Remove the internalFindEXPAT.cmake...
Vtk,(visualization toolkit)是一个开源的免费软件系统,主要用于三维计算机图形学、图像处理和可视化。
利用CMake管理QT5.5+VTK6.3+ITK4.8+Opencv3.0工程 2019-03-31 09:50 −利用CMake管理QT5.5+VTK6.3+ITK4.8+Opencv3.0工程 2016年03月16日 19:16:42 RaymondLove~ 阅读数:1859 主要参考: opencv3.1.0的Tutorial:http://docs... 柠檬檬檬 0 347...
Qt5 is also no-components-by-default because it has to go and find targets to expose while projects like VTK and ParaView always make all their targets but only guarantee that those explicitly requested actually "work" (in that their transitive dependency packages are actually found). pdimov ...
cpp_redis是个C++11的开源的redis client库,支持cmake构建,但并没有提供CONFIG模式的import target导入...
到该网站下下载VTK包Download | VTK tar -vx 进入解压后的vtk文件夹里,新建build文件夹 ccmake .. (注意ccmake与..之间有空格,".."代表上一级目录) 按c进入配置,BUILD_SHARE_LIBS 选择ON ,VTK_Group_Qt选择 On就可以了,其它的可以不做更改,再次按c进行配置确认,按g保存配置。(但是我没看到VTK_Group_...
Could not find a package configuration file provided by "VTK" with any of the following names: VTKConfig.cmake vtk-config.cmake Add the installation prefix of "VTK" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set "VTK_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "VTK" provides a ...