sudo apt install libblas-dev安装的是 BLAS(Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)库的开发包,但find_package(BLAS REQUIRED)使用的是 CMake 的 FindBLAS 模块来查找并链接 BLAS 库。 如果安装了 BLAS 开发包,但在使用find_package(BLAS REQUIRED)时仍然失败,可能是因为 FindBLAS 模块没有正确地找到或识别到您已经安...
FindBLAS BLAS_FOUND -settotrueifa library implementing the BLASinterfaceisfound BLAS_LINKER_FLAGS- uncached list of required linker flags (excluding -l and-L). BLAS_LIBRARIES- uncached list of libraries (usingfull path name) to link a...
In CMake, I used "find_package(BLAS REQUIRED) and I got this error: "Could NOT find BLAS (missing: BLAS_LIBRARIES) " I followed the tutorial on mxe website, using "make cc cmake blas cblas lapack suitesparse" command to build packages. I...
find_package(hipblas REQUIRED) find_package(rocblas REQUIRED) list(APPEND _llama_link_deps hip::host roc::rocblas roc::hipblas) endif() if (GGML_SYCL) find_package(DNNL) if (${DNNL_FOUND} AND GGML_SYCL_TARGET STREQUAL "INTEL") list(APPEND _llama_link_deps DNNL::dnnl) endif() ...
2017-11-03 15:04 − FindBLAS BLAS_FOUND - set to... 啃萝卜的兔子 0 3358 cmake find_package 命令 2019-02-24 15:03 −1、 find_package(<Name>)命令首先会在...
2017-11-03 15:04 − FindBLAS BLAS_FOUND - set to ... 啃萝卜的兔子 0 3357 CMake使用 2014-12-15 17:32 −CMAKE_MODULE_PATH,设置搜索CMakeModules模块(.cmake...
FindBLAS FindBZip2 ... ... 或者直接查看模块路径。比如Ubuntu linux上,模块的路径是 ls /usr/share/cmake/Modules/: AddFileDependencies.cmake CPackDeb.cmake FindOpenThreads.cmake CPackNSIS.cmake FindPHP4.cmake CPackPackageMaker.c...
FindBLASFindBZip2 ... ... 或者直接查看模块路径。比如Ubuntu linux上,模块的路径是 ls /usr/share/cmake/Modules/: AddFileDependencies.cmake CPackDeb.cmake CPackNSIS.cmake CPackPackageMaker.cmake ...
find_library(CBLAS_LIBRARIES NAMES accelerate openblas cblas blas blis flexiblas find_library(CBLAS_LIBRARY NAMES accelerate openblas cblas blas blis flexiblas HINTS CBLAS_ROOT ENV CBLAS_ROOT PATHS ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib PATH_SUFFIXES openblas cblas blis flexiblas ) include...
FindBLAS.cmake FindBZip2.cmake FindBacktrace.cmake FindBoost.cmake FindBullet.cmake FindCABLE.cmake FindCUDA.cmake FindCUDAToolkit.cmake FindCURL.cmake FindCVS.cmake FindCoin3D.cmake FindCups.cmake FindCurses.cmake FindCxxTest.cmake FindCygwin.cmake FindDCMTK.cmake FindDar...