该功能包有两个节点find_object_2d及find_object_3d,其中find_object_3d是为kinect之类的深度相机准备的,可以通过在匹配目标后识别目标中心的深度信息输出目标的三维坐标。 2.1 find_object_2d 启动过程: $ roscore$ 启动你的相机节点,...
Object[]' to the type 'System.Nullable'1[System.Boolean\' required by parameter 'Enabled' Cannot convert system.object to the type system collection idictionary Cannot convert the "System.Collections.ArrayList" Cannot convert the value of type "System.TimeSpan" to type "System.DateTime". Cannot ...
针对你遇到的 'webelement' object has no attribute 'find_elements_by_tag_name' 错误,这通常是因为你使用的 Selenium 版本已经更新,而 find_elements_by_tag_name 方法在新版本中已经被废弃或更改。下面我将根据你的问题逐一进行解答: 确认用户使用的Selenium版本: 由于你没有提供具体的 Selenium 版本,我无法...
Unable to find source for object 387d23862d92f739caa11a6db10feb12c5070493bf2bb3af05d584f824129a21查了一下Github,解决方法有:1、git log -p -S387d23862d92f739caa11a6db10feb12c5070493bf2bb3af05d584f824129a21 查找最近的提交,把文件拷出来再移动到对应位置。2、git config lfs.allowincompletepush...
Filtering files by date (Get-Childitem | Select-Object | Where-Object) - what am I doing wrong? Filtering on NoteProperty Find a empty and not empty value in 2 lines in 2 columns at the same time Find AD users with blank (empty or null) DisplayName Find all files within a folder th...
Filtering files by date (Get-Childitem | Select-Object | Where-Object) - what am I doing wrong? Filtering on NoteProperty Find a empty and not empty value in 2 lines in 2 columns at the same time Find AD users with blank (empty or null) DisplayName Find all files within a folder th...