函数如下:function ind = findNearest(x, desiredVal)[m,n] = size(x); %%%% 先确定x的大小erro = abs(x(:)-desiredVal); %%%% 计算误差值,矩阵需要拉成一维向量min_e = min(erro); %%%% 找到最小误差temp = reshape(erro,m,n); %%%%% 将一维向量恢复成矩阵[a,b] = find(temp==min_e...
FindNearestOne 查找表中最接近指定值的元素。查找到的元素及其索引分别存储在outVal和outIndex中。 其中表中元素必须满足条件:table[n] ≤table[n+1]。最接近指的是:min(|inVal -table[n]|)。 函数接口声明如下: HmppResult HMPPS_FindNearestOne_16u(uint16_t inVal, u
sound and stopped working in the presence of strong electromagnetic fields and electrostatic discharge. If the conditions persist, just follow the instruction described in this manual to set the function again for normal operation or call our nearest service representative to help you find a EUT也许...