find_data_code_2d是一个函数,它可以用来查找二维数据数组中某个元素的索引位置。下面将具体介绍该函数的使用和参数含义。 参数列表: 1. data:二维数据数组,用来进行查找操作。 2. target:所要查找的目标元素,可以是任何数据类型,包括整数、浮点数、字符串等。 返回值: 该函数返回一个元组(index_i,index_j),...
find_data_code_2d中文详解 find_data_code_2d是一种二维码识别技术,它可以通过扫描二维码获取其中包含的信息。在扫描二维码时,设备会自动识别二维码中的数据,然后将这些数据转换为可读的格式。二维码中可以包含各种类型的数据,例如数字、文本、网址等。 在使用find_data_code_2d时,需要使用相应的扫描工具或应用程序。
find_data_code_2d— Detect and read 2D data code symbols in an image or train the 2D data code model. Signature Description The operatorfind_data_code_2ddetects 2D data code symbols in the input image (Image) and reads the data that is encoded in the symbol. Before callingfind_data_code...
The operator find_data_code_2d detects 2D data code symbols in the input image (Image) and reads the data that is encoded in the symbol. Before calling find_data_code_2d, a model of a class of 2D data codes that matches the symbols in the images must be created with create_data_...
find_data_code_2d中文详解 find_data_code_2d是一种二维码技术,它可以将信息编码成一张二维码图片。该技术在商业、物流、医疗等领域得到了广泛应用。在使用该技术时,需要先确定编码方式和二维码大小,然后将需要编码的信息转化为二进制数列,并按照编码规则进行编码。最后生成二维码图片,即可将信息嵌入其中。读取二维码时...
It is recommended to adjust the model as well as possible to the symbols in the images also for runtime reasons. In general, the runtime offind_data_code_2dis higher for a more general model than for a more specific model. One should take into account that a general model leads to a...
Before calling find_data_code_2d, a model of a class of 2D data codes that matches the symbols in the images must be created with create_data_code_2d_model or read_data_code_2d_model. The handle returned by these operators is passed to find_data_code_2d in DataCodeHandle. To look ...
The operator find_data_code_2d detects 2D data code symbols in the input image (Image) and reads the data that is encoded in the symbol. Before calling find_data_code_2d, a model of a class of 2D data codes that matches the symbols in the images must be created with create_data_...
The operator find_data_code_2d detects 2D data code symbols in the input image (Image) and reads the data that is encoded in the symbol. Before calling find_data_code_2d, a model of a class of 2D data codes that matches the symbols in the images must be created with create_data_...
The operator find_data_code_2d detects 2D data code symbols in the input image (Image) and reads the data that is encoded in the symbol. Before calling find_data_code_2d, a model of a class of 2D data codes that matches the symbols in the images must be created with create_data_...