You'll find your way home 生命是徒劳无功 抓住左边从右边溜走 何不放下那一双 忙碌的手 By the time you let it go You'll seize the moment 清晨阳光洒落在遥远山头 Just let it go and you will find your way home 不会迷途在茫茫人海之中 Just let it go then go You'll find your way home...
陈钰羲 - Find Your Way Home(网剧《等等啊我的青春》插曲) 作词:陈钰羲 作曲:陈钰羲 编曲:萧旭甫 十字的路口 抓住左边从右边溜走 放下那一双 忙碌的手 Let it go Seize the moment 阳光洒落在遥远山头 Just let it go and you will find your way home ...
When you find your way home I'm waiting for you Waiting for you Washed up pale face broken and lonely You wanna show them you'll get your moment Somehow somewhere you'll get there slowly You had to leave them right now You say you're weak and that's your sorrow You're ...
歌曲:【Find Our Way】歌手:【Midnight Kids / Klei】歌曲来源:https://music.163.com/song?id=574928903&userid=1874013392 封面来源(小红书):钱钱的图库 *封面、歌曲仅作分享,请支持原版 *(如有侵权,告知会立即删除) Find Our Way (Midnight Kids Night Drive Edit) 音乐分享官 音乐 音乐综合 温柔 ...
张洢豪 - Find Your Way Home(摇滚版) 作词:陈钰羲 作曲:陈钰羲 编曲:陈钰羲 制作人:萧旭甫 十字的路口怎么走 别多说我会自己摸索 蹉跎岁月不回头 我都懂 生命是徒劳无功 抓住左边从右边溜走 何不放下那一双 忙碌的手 By the time you let it go You'll seize the moment 清晨阳光洒落在遥远山头 Just...
You'll find your way home 生命是徒劳无功 抓住左边从右边溜走 何不放下那一双 忙碌的手 By the time you let it go You'll seize the moment 清晨阳光洒落在遥远山头 Just let it go and you will find your way home 不会迷途在茫茫人海之中 Just let it go then go You'll find your way home...
酷狗音乐为您提供由Hemisphere演唱的高清音质无损Find Your Way Homemp3在线听,听Find Your Way HomeAI音乐版、唢呐版、DJ版、钢琴版、伴奏版、清唱版、尤克里里版、骨笛版、变速版、变调版只来酷狗音乐!
英文推歌 || 《 echo 》是一首宝藏英文歌,声音空灵悦耳,单曲循环“Your echo~”的声音在脑中回荡,余音绕梁 Your echo~~~ 03:07 英文推歌 || “爱是自私的,因为付出了爱,也希望得到相等的回报,因为爱了,才会想到天长地久。”—《 Bleeding Love 》 02:34 英文推歌 || “这首歌的节奏,想让...