Ways to Find the Weekday From a Date in Excel To find the day of the week from a date, you have basically three ways. The first method is to turn your date into the day of the week in a numerical form. In this method, Sunday is displayed as number 1, Monday is number 2, a...
請使用以下公式計算給定年份的第一個星期一: 輸入以下公式:= DATE(YEAR(A2),1,8)-WEEKDAY(DATE(YEAR(A2),1,6))到要查找結果的空白單元格中,然後將填充手柄向下拖動到要應用此公式的單元格中,並且一次顯示了給定日期的第一個星期一的日期,請參見屏幕截圖: 注意: 1.如果您有不是日期格式的年數單元格列表,...
Finally, we are checking the date return by workday which is Tuesday, March 3, 2020, is equal to date in B7. Which is clearly not and returns falls. The Logic of The Formula: The logic of the formula is to get the next working date from the date prior to the given date, and th...
此方法將引入一些公式,以便在Excel中輕鬆找到任意給定日期的一周的開始/開始。 公式:= A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)+1 選擇一個空白單元格,您將在該單元格中返回星期初,然後輸入公式= A2-WEEKDAY(A2,2)+1(A2是具有給定日期的單元格),然後將“填充手柄”拖動到所需的範圍。 查看屏幕截圖: 注意:此公式= A2-WEEKDAY(...
This tutorial provides a formula to find the last specific weekday of the current month based on the given date in Excel. If you want to follow along with this tutorial, please download the example spreadsheet. Generic formula:EOMONTH(date,0)+1-WEEKDAY(EOMONTH(date,0)+1-weekday_num))...
T5+Q5*7-WEEKDAY(T5+7-6) T5: your current / ref. date: example 7thAug21 Q5: is number of week involved: - Q5 = 1, you can find Friday in the same week (if t5 before Friday) or next week Friday. - Q5 = 2, you can find Fr...
Nth Day Formula - WORKDAY.INTL This video shows how to find the Nth weekday in a specific month and year, by using the WORKDAY.INTL function in an Excel formula. For example, Canadian Thanksgiving is the 2nd Monday in October, so what is the date for the current year. There are ...
Find the date of next Monday with formula To return the date of next Monday from the given date, the following formula may help you. 1. Enter this formula into a blank cell next to your date:=A2+(7-WEEKDAY(A2,2)+1), (A2has the date that you want to get its next Monday’ date...
T5+Q5*7-WEEKDAY(T5+7-6) T5: your current / ref. date: example 7thAug21 Q5: is number of week involved: - Q5 = 1, you can find Friday in the same week (if t5 before Friday) or next week Friday. - Q5 = 2, you can find Friday in the next week (...
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll Find(String, String, Object) and FindB locate one text string within a second text string, and return the number of the starting position of the first text string from the first character of the second text string. C# 複製 public...