Under current legislation, police have the power to test someone for Class A drugs either on arrest or after charge if they have committed an offence that triggers a drug test - such as theft or robbery. The list of trigger offences is to be expanded to include things like violence, in...
According toMassachusetts Sec. of State Bill Galvin, there are several circumstances that could require you to show identification at your polling place. You may need to show ID if you are voting for the first time in Massachusetts, if you're on the inactive voter list, if you're casting ...
If you don't have any of those, you can use other forms of ID if they include your name and the address where you are registered to vote. Those could be a voter registration card, a non-photo ID from the state, a non-photo U.S. government ID, a current bank statement, a ut...
“The election period (in Germany) is six weeks, so there’s no being bombarded with political advertisements for years on end. The pollercoaster isn’t much of a thing here, the whole get-out-the-vote and voter-suppression games don’t exist,” he said. Every time he’s back home i...
Alternatively,request a public voter registration list, but be aware that not all states include addresses, and some may charge a fee. Voter registration lists can be accessed through the county or state election office, with varying requirements and restrictions. ...
TRUMP VOTER, to me:, in defense of DJT: (I had said that Al Gore and the Dems were “too nice” in stepping aside for the good of the country in Florida (the “hanging chads”) back in 2000, therefore dooming us to 8 years of “W” when his brother, Jeb, handed him the pre...
Kansasprovides certain election information via aVoterViewpage. Kentuckyoffersa list of sample ballots by county,but it has yet to be updated with general election ballots and still only shows 2024 primary information. This will likely update closer to Election Day. ...
First, for decades now the Republicans have been busy trying to make it harder to vote, and particularly difficult for those most likely to vote against them. Gerrymandering, removing ballot drop boxes, closing polling stations, creating whopping lines and waiting times, and culling the voter roll...
UNCLAIMED FUNDS I downloaded the form so I could change the address to my current address. Then I signed the form. I had to take pictures of my driver's license, social security card, and voter ID as well as the form I had just corrected. ...