通过按照以上步骤,您应该能够解决“Could not find an installed version of Gradle either in Android Studio”错误。请确保您在步骤5中正确设置了Gradle的版本。 希望本文对您有所帮助!如果您还有其他问题或疑问,请随时提问。
You can determine which version of the JDK is the default by typingjava -versionin aTerminalwindow. If the installed version is 7u55, you will see a string that includes the text1.7.0_55. For example: java -version java version "1.7.0_55" ...
Command'java'not found, but can be installed with:sudoaptinstallopenjdk-11-jre-headless# 适用于 Ubuntusudoyuminstalljava-11-openjdk-headless# 适用于 CentOS/RHEL 1. 2. 3. 如果未找到Java命令,你将需要按照适用于你的操作系统的指南来安装Java。 2. 设置Java环境变量 一旦Java安装完成,你需要设置Java...
Android Studio连接Genymotion报错The application could not be installed: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_INCONSISTE 首先保证Genymotion上的虚拟手机设备能独立开机运行,样例如下: 首先我在activity_main.xml对应的界面上用拖曳Button创建组件的方式创建一个Button组件,并设置按钮名为Button。 话不多说,直接上图: 报错后再来看一...
请把Java安装到C:\Program Files\Java\jre[版本号]\内 【这个是Java的默认安装路径,只要你不改就默认是这个】Java的路径可是不能随便乱安的,否则就会导致你电脑内依赖Java的软件故障 如果你的路径不是这个,请卸载JAVA重装【常规的控制面板卸载是卸载不干净的,请尝试使用网上的JAVA卸载工具进行卸载。
If an earlier version of Message Queue is already installed, the version number is displayed. If no previous Message Queue installation is present, you can proceed to install Message Queue 3.7 UR1, as described inInstallation Procedure.
compileJava' property 'javaCompiler'. > Cannot find a Java installation on your machine matching this tasks requirements: {languageVersion=17, vendor=JETBRAINS, implementation=vendor-specific} for LINUX on x86_64. > No locally installed toolchains match and toolchain download repositories have not ...
When using the license server, it's stored in the<product><version>.keyfile under theIDE configuration directory. Please note that this file has UCS2 (2-byte Unicode) encoding and you can't view it in basic editors like Notepad, you need to open it in a Unicode-a...
The fatal error log prints the version string in the header of the log. If sharing is enabled, it is indicated by the text "sharing", as shown inExample 5-8. Example 5-8 Error Log for Class Data Sharing # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine: # # EXCEPTIO...
No Java runtime present, requesting install. Boo hoooooooo. So despite the fact that Android SDK is full of Java, you still need to install a separate Java just to run some command-line commands. Android SDK might not work if you have a wrong version of Java installe...