Installing FindTime in Outlook Desktop 1. 选择“获取加载项” Choose ‘Store Add-ins’. 2. 搜索FindTime Search ‘FindTime’ 3. 添加FindTime Add ‘FindTime’ 3 How to use FindTime 1.选择会面最佳时间 Choose the best time for your meeting 在FindTime 中选择最适合自己...
此前微软车库在iOS平台推出过一款功能类似的应用,名为Invite,这款应用也可以与Office 365协同工作。不过从描述来看,针对Outlook版本的FindTime插件要更智能一点。 FindTime向Office 365用户免费提供,适用于Outlook 2013、Outlook 2016以及Web版Outlook。(via: Microsoft-News)...
Outlook is committed to FindTime and to making group scheduling easier Gabriel_Valdez MicrosoftMar 07, 2018 We recently created some confusion with a decision to remove the FindTime add-in from the Office Store. We heard loud and clear from you that you ...
Microsoft 365 As it is aimed at Microsoft 365 users, it is supported. There are even some error scenarios which will give you the "contact support" instructions by the app itself.
Belangrijk: Zoals aangekondigd in juli 2022, is de invoegtoepassing FindTime nu volledig vervangen door Planningspeiling als systeemeigen functie in Outlook. Meer informatie vindt u hier. Hulp nodig met FindTime? Hier volgt een lijst met nuttige artikelen. FindTime-artikelen FindTime ...
发布于Outlook OP Olivier Priser · 4 个月前 FindTime - 24 hours format FindTime is really usefull for scheduling. However, several users report having a hard time to understand the AM / PM format (we are in Europe and it is not common over here). We would like the FindTime poll plug...
Important: As announced in July 2022, the FindTime add-in has now been fully replaced with Scheduling Poll as a native feature in Outlook. See more details here. Need help with FindTime? Here's a list of our articles. FindTime articles Install FindTime Scheduling meetings with FindTime ...
Step 1: Open Microsoft Outlook. Step 2: Head into the Account Settings once more. Step 3: Stay in the E-mail tab this time. Step 4: Find the Change Folder option. Step 5: Choose a location you wish to save the PST file, and press Close. This method will ensure that the new file...
Prefer: outlook.timezone表示响应的具体时区的字符串,例如,“Pacific Standard Time”。 可选。 如果未指定此标头,则使用 UTC。 请求正文 下面列出了支持的所有参数。 根据你自己的方案,在请求正文中为各个必需参数指定 JSON 对象。 参数类型说明 attendeesattendeeBase集合一组会议与会者或资源。 由于 findMeetingTi...
为确保日期的格式满足 Outlook 的要求,请使用 Format 函数。 下面的示例创建一个筛选器,用于查找在 1999 年 1 月 15 日下午 3:30 之后修改过的所有联系人。VB 复制 sFilter = "[LastModificationTime] > '" & Format("1/15/99 3:30pm", "ddddd h:nn AMPM") & "'" ...