How to Calculate Pool VolumeIf you’re here, then there’s a good chance you’re trying to find the size of your pool in gallons or trying to figure out how much water is needed to fill it. Keep reading to see the volume formulas for various pool shapes. ...
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The thing about math games, though, is that the real power is not in the game itself but in the debrief. Just the lesson before this was my students’ first exposure to the idea of higher order derivatives. They asked “But what does a second derivative actually tell us about the functi...
Finding the tax bracket you fall into will help you know how much money you have to pay in taxes each year. Find your tax bracket with help from TurboTax in this video clip. Note: The information in this video is applicable to tax year 2010.
suppose we multiply two numbers to get a product. the number that is multiplied are the factors of the product. each number is a factor of itself. factors have many real-life examples, such as arranging sweets in a box, arranging numbers in a pattern, distributing chocolates among ...
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Not all landlords handle net effective rent the same way. Sometimes the discount is deducted from your gross rent over the term of the lease (so a portion would be deducted from each month of a 12-month lease). Other times you pay the gross rent and get your free month either at the...