Here is an example for getting schema information direct from the database table via OleDb data provider. And this example goes a bit farther but requires DAO.Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help, this will help others who...
This is an introduction to the Scripting Runtime Object Library. Hope I can help you. Best Regards, Julie MSDN Community Support Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" the responses that resolved your issue, and to click "Unmark as Answer" if not. This can be beneficial to other commun...
But if I plug this path into the Run command or in a command prompt, I get a message that it can't be found.I took this a step further and passed the path to the constructor of the System.IO.FileInfo object and queried the "Exists" method - it came back true (the file is ...
The Value of a datagridviewcell is never a nullable value. Success Cor Tuesday, December 15, 2015 4:01 PM Check this: prettyprint 复制 If (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DataGridView1.CurrentCell.Value.ToString())) Then End If Fouad Roumieh Fouad, This code is very much just C# copied cod...
It varies from application to application where this information is stored in the registry, if it is stored in the registry at all. We could take Adobe Reader 9.0 as an example.It does not save the installation path in any subkey of the Uninstall entry....
You've declared charToFind as Char but then pass a String value to the method. If you put Option Strict On at the top of your code you would have an error on your call of GetNthIndex(). I think that all you really need is: prettyprint 复制 Dim str As String = "day=mon day...
Closing all designer files and rebuilding the application, then opening the Controls/UserControls in the Designer *before* opening the Form that contains these controls usually helps... I dont know of another way, but I really would like to know one :-) [maybe just an attribute is missin...
Can I change the color of a ProgressBar In Visual Basic 2010 Can I Create an enum on Runtime, or change Enum values or member Names ? Can I safely delete .RESX files? Can i use an Async function without an Await operator? Can not use event double click on button Can Tab order Key...