Work the division in your calculator as normal. Once you have the answer in decimal form,subtract the whole number, then multiply the decimal value that's left by the divisor of your original problem. The result is your remainder. What is remainder theorem for Class 9?
Here’s how it works, you don’t actually have to do this yourself, I’ve made it easier with a calculator, just demonstrating the concept first: That determines the total diagonal screen size. Then we subtract 1 (inch) for the bezel (frame), and round to arrive at the max screen si...
How do you determine the value of k if the remainder of (x^3 + kx^2 + x + 5) / (x+2) is 3? Show how to calculate 378 2.65 without using a calculator. Evaluate using the Remainder Theorem: P(x) = x^3+4x^2-8x-6, a = -2. ...
With just ONE equation, a magnificently detailed turtle face was produced in the Desmos calculator. I was so impressed. I tweaked that single equation by changing the number 16 to 7.29, added some color restrictions as well as equations to make a mouth and some eyes to produce my own Desmo...
Use fermat's theorem to find the remainder of 3^{47} when it is divided by 23. How to find the nth root of a number without a calculator? Show how to convert the square root of 2 into a decimal? Let g (x) = square root (x), find g (square root (x) + 4). ...
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Can the remainder or factor theorem be used when the divisor is in the following form (3x+1) or does it only work when the divisor is a polynomial with a coefficient of 1 in front of the x? Determine the value of 7!/6! without using a calculator. ...