The parabola is the curve that you get when you graph a quadratic equation of the formy= ax2+ bx+ c. You'vegraphedthese curves, and you've probably been introduced to the vertex, which is the uppermost (or lowermost) point on the parabola (depending on the direction in which the para...
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which is the lowest point on a parabola that opens up, or the lowest point on one that opens down -- and is symmetrical. The graph corresponds to a quadratic equation in the form "y=x^2." The domain and range of that graph are...
Wait for your calculator to display the values for the linear regression line. The number beside the value marked “r” is your correlation coefficient. The number beside the value marked “r^2” is your coefficient of determination.
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Give students a bingo card when they walk through the door. Each square of the card should contain personal data using math instead of whole numbers. For example, one square could say: "Someone who has a number of kids in the family which is divisible by three," "Someone whose last two...
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1) Find the length of the arc of the semicubical parabola y^2 = x^2 between the points (1, 1) and (4, 8). 2) Find the exact length of the curve. y = ln(sec x), 0 lessthanorequalto x lessthanorequalto The cylinder x 2...
Finding Local Extrema on a Graphing Calculator Using Differentiation to Analyze Linear Motion How to Model Rates of Change Vertex Form | Equation, Formula & Conversion Limit of a Function | Overview & Existence How to Find the Vertex of a Parabola | Quadratic Equation Finding the Period of Sine...