Given that log_10 2 = 0.3010 and log_10 3 = 0.4771, find the following logarithm without using a calculator: log_10 (9/8) Find the logarithms of 125 to base Solve for the value of the logarithm: log_9 (1/81) Solve: Logarithm of 10000 with base 2. Simplify this logarithm: In(a...
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Finally, we perform the calculation: 0.735−2=−1.265 Thus, the logarithm of 0.05438 is: log(0.05438)≈−1.265 Summary The logarithm of 0.05438 is approximately -1.265. --- Topper's Solved these Questions MATHEMATICAL TOOLSBook:MODERN PUBLICATIONChapter:MATHEMATICAL TOOLSExercise:PRACTICE PROBLEM...
Find the exact value of the logarithmic expression without using a calculator. {eq}\log_6(-6){/eq} (If not possible, specify IMPOSSIBLE.) Logarithm: The logarithm is one of the more complicated operations in mathematics. This would typically be i...
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Find expected pH for a given concentration simply by entering the molarity or enter weight and total volume in our interactive pH Calculator.
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(for more results, use the option '-l3') e = base of natural logarithms, 2.71828... cospi(X) = cos(pi * x) ln(x) = natural logarithm or log base e tanpi(X) = tan(pi * x) phi = the golden ratio, (1+sqrt(5))/2 sqrt(x) = square root A"/B = Ath root of B pi ...
We will use all these properties and identities to find the exact value of the given expression.Answer and Explanation: We need to use the different properties and identities of logarithm to find the exact value of {eq}\ln\left(\frac{1}{e^2}\right) {/eq}: {eq}\begin{a......
Thus, if you know the molarity, you can get the pH value and conversely.Examples of pH Calculations To go from molarity to pH, use your calculator or a similar tool to take the logarithm to the base 10 (the default base) of the molarity, reverse the sign to get a positive value, ...