Now if the tread in North Carolina had been this exposed, I may of had a chance to limp my way down here, but as it was this walk to the terminus, and the still present pain in my foot confirmed our decision to “call it” was warranted. Springer Mtn. We both thought we’d have...
Users can search a nearby location then send a SMS text message, email, Facebook, Tweet, or airdrop the location to their friends and family. Additionally, users can find coffeehouse deals, coupons, & discounts. Easily find the nearest Starbucks, Peet’s, Dunkin Donuts, Tim Hortons, Mc...
But Mack’s manic depression was getting worse. When he was “up” he would go out into the world and talk to people—and get into late-night arguments with cops in Dunkin’ Donuts. When he was “down” he would lose all his energy and withdraw further. The Texas blues book he had...