However, this is only half the story. In baptism we were commissioned to be apostles, with the duty to bear witness to Christ and to be a constructive force in carrying His message to others. This means that we must be outstanding in our charity. We must be notable for the patience, k...
The Apostles’ entire focus was being so committed to The One, Jesus, that they set their eyes on those who were in earlier stages of their walk of faith in Jesus, particularly to those who were ‘willing to try’ and those who were ‘infant disciples’ in the Journey of Following ...
Running a hectic schedule, no time to relax. Learn how to pray the rosary everyday to help you find peace and serenity in your life. Find refuge here with an abundance of Rosary aids to help you pray the Rosary everyday...
In scripture, it seems that Jesus anticipated the church’s organization. After all, he chose twelve disciples, which symbolized a renewed faithful remnant of Israel.[1]As God designated the twelve tribes, so Jesus reconstituted them. After Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, the Apostles sought t...