The INFORMATION_SCHEMA.ROUTINES view, introduced in SQL 2000 exposes metadata in the current database as it pertains to content derived from the syscomments and sysobjects system views and system tables. It contains one row for each function and stored procedure in the database for which the...
意思是 delete_meas_alarm_level 这个存储过程 的第88行 的 update_alarm_level 这个过程不存在了
so you would use syscomments, you will get multiple records for stored procdedures larger than 4000 characters, but they will have the same c.number field so you can group the parts together to get the full stored procedure text:
FindAll(String)Finds all elements in the collection that have the specified name. (从DictionaryCollectionBase< (Of < ( <'T, U> ) > ) >继承。) 页首 请参阅 参考 StoredProcedureCollection 类 Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.MetadataProvider 命名空间...
IMetadataCollection<IMetadataObject>.FindAll(Predicate<IMetadataObject>) Retrieves all elements in the collection that match the conditions defined by the specified predicate. (繼承自 SortedListCollection<T>。) 上層 請參閱 參考 StoredProcedureCollection 類別 Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SqlParser.Metadata...
When I try to reference a stored procedure from code, whilst specifying its a stored procedure, I receive aStored Procedure Not Founderror. When I change theCommandTypeback to text, the code then works. I don't have the code to had, but it looks something like this (written off the top...
Please start any new threads on our new site at All Forums General SQL Server Forums New to SQL Server Programming Could not find stored procedure
Describes how to locate and identify errors with Transactional Replication, as well as the troubleshooting methodology for addressing issues with replication.
IBM i: e-business and Web serving OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2 for i OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2 for i OmniFind Text Search Server for DB2® for i allows you to issue SQL statements that satisfy familiar text search queries on documents that are stored in a DB2 data...