This is the first of a series of video based blog entries where I will share tips and tricks within the SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) shell. Many of these techniques are the result of using Visual Studio as the shell for SSMS. This video demonstrates how to use the “Go To ...
在SQL Server 中,我们可以使用以下查询来实现相同的功能: 代码语言:txt 复制 SELECT u.* FROM Users u CROSS APPLY STRING_SPLIT(u.Roles, ',') s WHERE s.value = 'admin'; 遇到的问题及解决方法 如果在 SQL Server 中使用FIND_IN_SET的等价实现时遇到性能问题,可以考虑以下几点: ...
SQL Server Loops/Conditionals String Functions Numeric/Math Functions Date/Time Functions Conversion Functions Configuration Functions Advanced Functions SQL Server: Find Users in SQL ServerQuestion:Is there a query to run in SQL Server that will return all Users created?Answer...
FindSequence (this Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IProperty property, in Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.StoreObjectIdentifier storeObject); 参数 property IProperty 属性。 storeObject StoreObjectIdentifier 存储对象的标识符。 返回 ISequence 要使用的序列;如果模型中不存在序列, ...
To replace instances of the string specified in theFind whatbox with another string, enter the replacement string in this field. To delete instances of the string specified in theFind whatbox, leave this field blank. Select the drop-down list to display the last 20 items entered. To include re...
灵活运用 SQL SERVER FOR XML PATH FOR XML PATH 有的人可能知道有的人可能不知道,其实它就是将查询结果集以XML形式展现,有了它我们可以简化我们的查询语句实现一些以前可能需要借助函数活存储过程来完成的工作。那么以一个实例为主. 一.FOR XML PATH 简单介绍 那么还是首先来介绍一下FOR XML PATH ,假设现在有...
Connect to the publisher in SQL Server Management Studio. Expand the server node, right-click the Replication folder, and then select Launch Replication Monitor: Replication Monitor opens: The red X indicates that the publication is not synchronizing. Expand My Publishers on the left side, and ...
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(); con.ConnectionString = connectionString(); DataSet ds = new DataSet(); string strQuery = "SELECT * FROM Cars"; SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); adapter.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand(strQuery, con); SqlCommandBuilder builder = ...
SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines saves money and simplifies management of security and high availability at no additional cost. SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines not only saves money, is flexible at scale, meets peaks in demands, and accelerates innovation, but leads SQL Server on Amazon ...
string sqlQuery = "SELECT Path, Rank, Title, HitHighlightedSummary FROM MSDNMagazine..scope() WHERE FREETEXT('ajax asynchronous') ORDER BY Rank DESC"; You see that it's very similar to a normal SQL query that uses the SQL Server Full Text Search, even though indexes are stored in files...