Description Learn how to obtain the wireless network name (SSID) and security key information from a Windows computer. Solution Your Windows PC contains information about your wireless network. This information includes things such as your network name, encryption type and network password. This inform...
在输出中找到“Key Content”,后面显示的就是WiFi密码。 这种方法适用于所有Windows版本。 6. 重置路由器 (Resetting the Router) 如果你无法找到WiFi密码,并且也无法通过其他方法获取,最后的解决方案是重置路由器。 步骤(Steps) 找到路由器上的重置按钮,通常是一个小孔。 使用针或牙签按住重置按钮,保持约10秒钟,直...
Check your router’s back for labels or stickers. This is where you are most likely to find the Wi-Fi password and the Wi-Fi network name (SSID). Next, locate the reset button on your router, then press and hold it until you notice the router’s lights flicker or change behavior in...
1. 查看路由器上的标签 (Check the Label on theRouter) 大多数路由器在出厂时都会在设备底部或背面贴有标签,上面通常会显示默认的WiFi名称(SSID)和密码。您只需找到路由器,查看标签上的信息即可。 1.1 找到路由器 (Locate the Router) 首先,确保您知道路由器的位置。通常,路由器会放置在家中或办公室的显眼位置...
netsh wlan show profile name="YOUR_SSID"key=clear pause Now, selectFile > Save As. At the bottom of the window, you'll see aSave as typedropdown field. Change this fromText DocumentstoAll Files. In theFile namefield, you can call it whatever you want—perhapsFind Wi-Fi Passwordor so...
Look for a sticker on the back or bottom of your router. Most routers list theuser nameandpasswordalongside the network name (SSID) and network key. Finding your router's password is independent of Windows 10. It doesn't matter which operating system you are running, all the steps below ...
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Installed new modem TP Archer AX55 Pro, wifi SSID the same, though wifi is set up as a mesh. Wireless report says 'wireless' on = pass, Wireless working = pass, Network (SSID) found= Fail, Security = Pass. ...
Locate the file named “wpa_supplicant.conf”. Open the file with a text editor. It contains the details of both the current and past Wi-Fi networks you have accessed with this device. Network details including the SSID or network name and the psk or password are found in this file.Analy...
Open Terminal(Windows 11), oropen Command Promptin older Windows versions. If you're using a keyboard and mouse in Windows 11/10/8, the fastest way is through thePower User Menu, accessible with theWIN+Xshortcut. If you don't see Command Prompt there, typecmdinto the search bar in the...
Run the key command to find the WiFi password in Windows 10 Now that you know the network ID, you can type the following to return its password: netsh wlan show profile name="NetworkName" key=clear ReplaceNetworkNamewith your SSID and press“Enter”. ...