查找我的 iPhone 家庭 家庭概述 添加和控制配件 配置HomePod 创建和使用场景 使用Siri 控制您的家 自动化和远程访问 创建自动化 与他人共享控制 iTunes Store 获取音乐、影片和电视节目 管理购买项目和设置 邮件 编写电子邮件 填写电子邮件地址和发送电子邮件 ...
通过苹果的Find My Network功能实现蓝牙设备跟踪 OpenHaystack是一个针对蓝牙设备的跟踪框架,OpenHaystack可以利用苹果提供的Find My Network服务来追踪个人用户的蓝牙设备,我们可以用它来创建自己的跟踪标签,并将其附加到物理对象(比如说钥匙串或背包等)上,或者将其集成到其他支持蓝夜功能的设备中(比如说笔记本等等)。 Ope...
使用FindBlu轻松找到丢失的蓝牙耳机、笔、手机、平板电脑、智能手表等设备的位置。通过设备雷达查看周围所有设备,并立即检查特定设备的距离得分。FindBlu支持蓝牙连接的设备、便携式扬声器、健身追踪设备等多种设备。您只需向 siri 下达指令,然后随时重复即可。
All of Apple's iPhone 16 configurations have several things in common. They all run the iOS 18 operating system and will soon have Apple Intelligence integration. This means you'll see some dramatic improvements in Siri and many of each phone's other capabilities, especially when it comes to...
All of Apple's iPhone 16 configurations have several things in common. They all run the iOS 18 operating system and will soon have Apple Intelligence integration. This means you'll see some dramatic improvements in Siri and many of each phone's other capabilities, especially when it comes to...
On a related note:How to find your iPhone IMEI number Find the serial numbers for your Apple TV and Siri Remote Find the model and serial numbers of your AirPods Find the serial number of an AirTag Find your HomePod serial number and software version...
Siri鸽了但OPPO这次赢麻了 3月7号,苹果发布声明承认其苹果智能的Siri功能开发进度不及预期,所以部分功能可能将推迟到iOS 19才会发布。所以对于想要立刻用上AI功能的朋友来说,可能安卓机型才是更好的选择? 反正各家国产品牌都已经有了很丰富的AI功能,以OPPO为例,最新推出的Find N5搭载了全新的AI意图搜索功能,可以...
2. Ask for Siri Another way you can try to unlock found iPhone and find info about the lost iPhone's owner is asking for Siri. Say Hey Siri, and ask about some questions like "Call Mom/Dad", "Text Messages", "Where is my Airpods" etc. There is a chance that you will contact th...
The disadvantage to that is it that you have to go digging in to settings to turn it on or off. With Do Not Disturb, you can either ask Siri to enable it, enable it from Control Center or set a schedule or smart activation. (1) Reply User profile for user: Zachyy Zachyy User...
噗哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈! 小伙子,很有想法 来自Android客户端19楼2018-07-23 17:03 回复 噜噜噜啦啦呢 那是安卓的声音先发出来,iphone还在识别语音罢了,你以为siri就这个样子? 来自iPhone客户端21楼2018-07-25 11:21 回复 1234567898呵 Siri明明这么流弊 来自iPhone客户端22楼2018-07-25 18:58 收起回复 扫...