of the two proteins in question does the similarity exist; how they are similar—what functional characteristics the two similar sequences have in common; and to what extent they are similar—is the similarity significant, if so how significant relative to other similar sequences in the protein....
The identification of internal sequence repeats in the primary structure is not sufficient for the analysis of structural repeats. Thus, a new method called ProSTRIP has been developed using dynamic programming to find the similar structural repeats in a three-dimensional protein structure. The ...
A sequence order-independent algorithm for ligand binding site alignment and matching. It accurately identifies pairs of pockets that bind similar compounds even in proteins with different global structures. eGenome Database provides an easy access to the results of the large-scale modeling of structur...
Come across has a similar meaning. They came across the bones of an animal. 4. obtaining information If you find, find out, or discover that something is the case, you learn that it is the case. Researchers found that there was little difference between the two groups. It was such a ...
Transcription started at a promoter similar to the vapA promoter, and proceeded through an inefficient terminator into the downstream vcgC gene. In addition, vcgC is also transcribed from a promoter downstream of vcgB. The vcgAB and vapA operons were coordinately regulated by temperature and pH ...
Consequently, distinguishing between two short SVs of similar length can be challenging. To overcome this issue, FindCSV utilizes hierarchical clustering to separate these reads and identify distinct SVs within the cluster. Specifically, if a bimodal distribution is observed for all SV lengths within ...
It is reccomended that parallel_GNU or a similar method be used to run the list of commands in parallel.parallel_GNU -j 4 < filterreadcommands.txt Note:(-j) will tell parallel_GNU the number of processes The alias for parallel_GNU might just parallel or something else on your server ...
This allows us to learn augmentations that minimize the error of that network. Smart augmentation has shown the potential to increase accuracy by demonstrably significant measures on all data sets tested. In addition, it has shown potential to achieve similar or improved performance levels with ...
In the new study, the researchers wanted to explore whether other proteins found in the human body, outside of the previously known antimicrobial peptides, might also be able to kill bacteria. They developed a search algorithm that analyzes databases of human protein sequences in search of simil...
About 1,300 species of tardigrades are known to exist, and while the nearly indestructible animals may look cute and cuddly under a microscope, they are actually covered in a hard cuticle similar to many insects. Their unique mouth, known as a bucco pharyngeal apparatus, enables tardigrades to...