Write a Scala program to find the second smallest element from a given array of integers. Sample Solution: Scala Code: objectScala_Array{defmain(args:Array[String]):Unit={varmy_array=Array(10789,2035,1899,1456,2013,1458,2458,1254,1472,2365,1456,2165,1457,2456);println("Orginal array:")fo...
Second smallest element in: 40 Program to find second smallest element from an array in java importjava.util.Scanner;publicclassExArrayFindSecondSmallest{publicstaticvoidmain(String[]args){// Intialising the variablesintn,min;Scanner Sc=newScanner(System.in);// Enter the number of elements.Syste...
second_element=Integer.MAX_VALUE;// Loop through the array to find the smallest and second smallest elements.for(inti=0;i<arr_size;i++){/* Update both first and second if the current element is smaller than first. */if(arr[i]<first_element){second_element=first_element;first_element=...
C# program to find smallest element of an array usingSystem;usingSystem.Collections.Generic;usingSystem.Linq;usingSystem.Text;namespaceConsoleApplication1{classProgram{staticvoidMain() {inti =0;intsmall =0;//integer array declarationint[] arr =newint[5]; Console.WriteLine("Enter array elements :...
In this section we will learn how to find smallest element in an array using python programming language which is the scripting language. If we want to find smallest element from the array enter by the user so we have to compare one element to other until we get the desired element and ...
查找两个有序数组中的第K个元素(find kth smallest element in 2 sorted arrays) 查找两个有序数组中的第K个元素 intFindKth(inta[],intb[],intk,intastart,intaend,intbstart,intbend) {intaLen = aend - astart +1;intbLen = bend - bstart +1;if(aLen ==0) ...
Find Smallest Number in INT array Find specific users in Active Directory with Powershell. find string in HTML file Find String Starting Position with regex Find string using pattern and return only the matched string Find the number of times a character '\' exists in a string Find the third...
Find the k-th Smallest Element in two sorted array http://leetcode.com/2011/01/find-k-th-smallest-element-in-union-of.html
class Solution{public:intfindKthLargest(vector<int>&nums,intk){nth_element(nums.begin(),nums.end()-k,nums.end());returnnums[nums.size()-k];}}; Partition the Array to Find the Kth Largest/Smallest Element The following is essentially similar to the nth_element algorithm. Each iteration,...
smallest = arr[j]; } } text2.Text += smallest.ToString(); } } } Step 4 Now "Run"your app. Recommended Free Ebook Printing in C# Made Easy Download Now! Similar Articles Find Duplicate Element of an Array in Windows Store App